Concealed Carry Laws and Information
If you've decided to carry a firearm for personal protection (or even if
you're just thinking about it) you deserve a pat on the back! Most people are not willing to do what is necessary to protect themselves, their family members, and even complete strangers from the ruthless attack of a violent felon.
Concealed carry regulations differ widely by state, with most states currently maintaining a "Shall-Issue" policy. Each state has different terms for licenses or permits to carry a concealed firearm, such as a Concealed Handgun License/Permit (CHL/CHP), Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW), Concealed (Defensive/Deadly) Weapon Permit/License (CDWL/CWP/CWL), Concealed Carry Permit/License (CCP/CCL), License To Carry (Firearms) (LTC/LTCF), Carry of Concealed Deadly Weapon license (CCDW), Concealed Pistol License (CPL), etc. Thirteen states use a single permit to regulate the practices of both concealed and open carry of a handgun. Continued at bottom... |
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Concealed Carry Laws and Information continued
Some states require concealed carry applicants to certify their proficiency with a firearm through some type of training or instruction— some require classroom instruction only, others require live-fire instruction, or both. Many states have established arrangements where they recognize or honor permits or licenses issued by other states with comparable standards. this is known as Reciprocity and is based on U.S. Constitution "full faith and credit" provision. Reciprocal recognition of concealed carry privileges and rights vary state-to-state, are negotiated between individual states, and sometimes additionally depend on the residency status of the license holder.
Based on state law, the penalty for illegally carrying a firearm varies widely throughout the United States, ranging from a simple infraction punishable by a fine, to a felony conviction and mandatory incarceration, depending on the state. Concealing a handgun illegally is a felony in many states, therefore conviction of such a crime would automatically result in the forfeiture of a citizen's gun rights for life nationwide. Additional state penalties for unlawful carry of a concealed firearm can be severe with punishments including expensive fines, extended jail time, loss of voting rights, and even passport cancellation.
Responsibly armed citizens follow the rules, so be sure you know what they are. Get all the information you need for the state in which you live, and those in which you plan to travel with your firearm.
Based on state law, the penalty for illegally carrying a firearm varies widely throughout the United States, ranging from a simple infraction punishable by a fine, to a felony conviction and mandatory incarceration, depending on the state. Concealing a handgun illegally is a felony in many states, therefore conviction of such a crime would automatically result in the forfeiture of a citizen's gun rights for life nationwide. Additional state penalties for unlawful carry of a concealed firearm can be severe with punishments including expensive fines, extended jail time, loss of voting rights, and even passport cancellation.
Responsibly armed citizens follow the rules, so be sure you know what they are. Get all the information you need for the state in which you live, and those in which you plan to travel with your firearm.